About Us
Modern, sophisticated, and comfortable Lebanese mattresses since the early 50s.
FOMACO ever since kept providing sleeping solutions committing to high qualities and first-class customer service. FOMACO pioneered the Lebanese industry with its fine foam tailoring, manufacturing, and customizing. Technological innovations adopted made it easier to imprint a mark in the Lebanese mattress market and gain popularity and trust.
Consistently providing innovative premium products with quality that provides a unique overall customer satisfaction.
Aspiring to be at the top of mind when it comes to durability and comfort. We also look forward to intensifying our efforts to keep our customer service, mattress qualities, and experiences of the highest values.

Awards and Certificates
QMI Registered
ISO (9001) – 2008
International Grandprix Leaders in Prestige and Quality in Madrid, Spain – 1999
Manufacturer member in the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA)